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In these 25 years, we are focused on providing the peace of mind that comes with confidence in throughout the best electronic equipment on market from wide variety of European manufactures. Whatever your needs are, from generators, marine air conditioners, solar panels, control devices, batteries, chargers, inverters, satellite TV antennas, satellite communications, watermakers and more, Indel Marine is here for you!
Through sales for the leading manufactures, we follow the world trends in shipbuilding. Fischer Panda, Uflex, KVH, Samlex, Victron, Philippi are just a part of the renowned names that you can find in our endless list of products. Our assortment has been enriched with additional products that, with quality and durability, represent a breakthrough in boat equipment by Osmosea, Dokensip, Seaview.
Thanks to the continued investment in the development of employees and assortment, Indel Marine has grown into a market leader in the field of ship fitting in these 25 years. Retail buyers, large suppliers, and service providers found a trusted partner in us with whom they can navigate safely around the clock, confirmed by numerous references in Croatia and beyond.
Over the last few years, we have been working with AITAC (www.aitac.nl) project office, which deals with the design of lush yachts and has an enviable reference list of satisfied clients. Since these two companies are linked together through family bond, we have a strong vision of supply for whole project.
Get to know INDEL MARINE
Founded in 1986., our company started as service company, repair of electronic nautical and industrial equipment, and as such existed until 1994. Since then we have started to represent, sell and distribute the products of renowned world producers in the field of ship electronics and our business has expanded to co-operation with European business partners. We have become general sales representatives for the Croatian market and producers in the region: Fischer Panda, Victron, KVH, Philippi, Samlex, Uflex, Osmosea, Ampair and Seaview.
New marine cutting-edge devices that are flooded in on market daily, are the reason to meet our team that will help you get back on the water quickly to avoid any selection dilemma. With quality information, expertise and friendly staff, our range of outstanding technical properties take us to achievements we are proud of. Providing professional service to the highest standards is the guideline that defines INDEL MARINE for 25 years. For all queries, doubts or difficulties, we are at your disposal through sales, support, and/or service.
Svaka preporuka! Malo je tako poslovnih firmi posvećeno svom poslu!
Do sada sve ok, samo nastavite tako.
Pozdrav cijeloj ekipi!
“Izuzetno smo zadovoljni suradnjom, povezanošću tima i funkcionalnošću.”
Zadovoljstvo nam je surađivati sa Vama, uvijek dostupni i na usluzi. Vrlo profesionalan odnos prema klijentima, radujemo se daljnjoj suradnji.
Jednostavna i izrazito ugodna suradnja uz brzu isporuku.
Pozdrav iz Dubrovnika!
Vrlo smo zadovoljni dosadašnjom suradnjom koja se očitovala kroz kvalitetnu podršku i brzinu isporuke dijelova.
Suradnja je na visokoj razini.
Ljudski resursi – stručni, pouzdani, radovi se izvršavaju u dogovorenom roku, uvijek dostupni za dodatna objašnjenja.
Oprema koju nudite je kvalitetna, cijenom prihvatljiva.
Odgovori na naše upite se uvijek brzo obrađuju, te se sugerira izmjena opreme radi veće kvalitete ili niže cijene od tražene.
We are here to answer all your questions.
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